The R Base Package

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Documentation for package `base' version 2.2.1

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A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z misc

-- --

base-package The R Base Package

-- --

! Logical Operators
!= Relational Operators
" Quotes
$ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
$.package_version Package versions
%% Arithmetic Operators
%*% Matrix Multiplication
%/% Arithmetic Operators
%in% Value Matching
%o% Outer Product of Arrays
%x% Kronecker products on arrays
& Logical Operators
&& Logical Operators
' Quotes
( Parentheses and Braces
* Arithmetic Operators
*.difftime Time Intervals
+ Arithmetic Operators
+.Date Date Class
+.POSIXt Date-Time Classes
- Arithmetic Operators
-.Date Date Class
-.POSIXt Date-Time Classes
-> Assignment Operators
->> Assignment Operators
.Autoloaded On-demand Loading of Packages
.AutoloadEnv On-demand Loading of Packages
.BaseNamespaceEnv Environment Access
.C Foreign Function Interface
.Call Foreign Function Interface
.Class Group Generic Functions
.decode_package_version Package versions
.Defunct Marking Objects as Defunct
.deparseOpts Options for Expression Deparsing
.Deprecated Marking Objects as Deprecated
.Device Lists of Open Graphics Devices
.Devices Lists of Open Graphics Devices
.dynLibs Loading Shared Libraries
.encode_package_version Package versions
.External Foreign Function Interface
.First Initialization at Start of an R Session
.First.lib Loading and Listing of Packages
.First.sys Initialization at Start of an R Session
.Fortran Foreign Function Interface
.Generic Group Generic Functions
.GlobalEnv Environment Access
.Group Group Generic Functions
.handleSimpleError Condition Handling and Recovery
.Internal Call an Internal Function
.isMethodsDispatchOn Class Methods
.Last Terminate an R Session
.Last.lib Loading and Listing of Packages
.Last.value Value of Last Evaluated Expression
.leap.seconds Date-Time Classes
.libPaths Search Paths for Packages
.Library Search Paths for Packages
.Machine Numerical Characteristics of the Machine
.Method Group Generic Functions
.noGenerics Loading and Listing of Packages
.NotYetImplemented Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
.NotYetUsed Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
.onAttach Hooks for Name Space events
.onLoad Hooks for Name Space events
.onUnload Hooks for Name Space events
.Options Options Settings
.packages Listing of Packages
.Platform Platform Specific Variables
.Primitive Call a ``Primitive'' Internal Function
.primTrace Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Calls to a Function or Method
.primUntrace Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Calls to a Function or Method
.Random.seed Random Number Generation
.Renviron Initialization at Start of an R Session
.Rprofile Initialization at Start of an R Session
.Script Scripting Language Interface
.signalSimpleWarning Condition Handling and Recovery
.standard_regexps Miscellaneous Internal/Programming Utilities
.Traceback Print Call Stacks
.userHooksEnv Functions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
/ Arithmetic Operators
/.difftime Time Intervals
: Sequence Generation
:: Double Colon and Triple Colon Operators
::: Double Colon and Triple Colon Operators
< Relational Operators
<= Relational Operators
= Assignment Operators
== Relational Operators
> Relational Operators
>= Relational Operators
@ Extract Slots

-- A --

abbreviate Abbreviate Strings
abs Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions
acos Trigonometric Functions
acosh Hyperbolic Functions
addTaskCallback Add or remove a top-level task callback
agrep Approximate String Matching (Fuzzy Matching)
alist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
all Are All Values True?
all.equal Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
all.names Find All Names in an Expression
all.vars Find All Names in an Expression
any Are Some Values True?
aperm Array Transposition
append Vector Merging
apply Apply Functions Over Array Margins
Arg Complex Vectors
args Argument List of a Function
Arith Group Generic Functions
Arithmetic Arithmetic Operators
array Multi-way Arrays
as.array Multi-way Arrays Function Calls
as.character Character Vectors
as.character.condition Condition Handling and Recovery
as.character.Date Date Conversion Functions to and from Character
as.character.default Character Vectors
as.character.error Condition Handling and Recovery
as.character.factor Character Vectors
as.character.octmode Display Numbers in Octal
as.character.package_version Package versions
as.character.POSIXt Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
as.complex Complex Vectors Coerce to a Data Frame Date Class Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame Package versions Date-Time Classes Date-Time Classes Coerce to a Data Frame Cross Tabulation and Table Creation Coerce to a Data Frame Coerce to a Data Frame
as.Date Date Conversion Functions to and from Character
as.difftime Time Intervals
as.double Double Precision Vectors
as.environment Coerce to an Environment Object
as.expression Unevaluated Expressions
as.factor Factors
as.function Convert Object to Function
as.integer Integer Vectors
as.list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
as.logical Logical Vectors
as.matrix Matrices
as.matrix.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Character Strings
as.matrix.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes Variable Names or Symbols, respectively
as.null The Null Object
as.numeric Numeric Vectors
as.ordered Factors
as.package_version Package versions
as.pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
as.POSIXct Date-time Conversion Functions
as.POSIXlt Date-time Conversion Functions
as.qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
as.raw Raw Vectors
as.real Real Vectors
as.single Double Precision Vectors
as.symbol Variable Names or Symbols, respectively
as.table Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
as.vector Vectors
asin Trigonometric Functions
asinh Hyperbolic Functions
AsIs Inhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects
assign Assign a Value to a Name
atan Trigonometric Functions
atan2 Trigonometric Functions
atanh Hyperbolic Functions
attach Attach Set of R Objects to Search Path
attachNamespace Loading and Unloading Name Spaces
attr Object Attributes
attr.all.equal Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
attributes Object Attribute Lists
autoload On-demand Loading of Packages
autoloader On-demand Loading of Packages
Autoloads On-demand Loading of Packages

-- B --

backsolve Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System
backtick Quotes
base The R Base Package
base-deprecated Deprecated Functions in Base package
baseenv Environment Access
basename Manipulate File Paths
Bessel Bessel Functions
bessel Bessel Functions
besselI Bessel Functions
besselJ Bessel Functions
besselK Bessel Functions
besselY Bessel Functions
beta Special Functions of Mathematics
bindtextdomain Translate Text Messages
body Access to and Manipulation of the Body of a Function
bquote Partial substitution in expressions
break Control Flow
browser Environment Browser
builtins Returns the names of all built-in objects
by Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors
bzfile Functions to Manipulate Connections

-- C --

c Combine Values into a Vector or List
c.Date Date Class
c.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Character Strings
c.package_version Package versions
c.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
c.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
call Function Calls
capabilities Report Capabilities of this Build of R
casefold Character Translation and Casefolding
cat Concatenate and Print
cbind Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns
ceiling Rounding of Numbers
char.expand Expand a String with Respect to a Target Table
character Character Vectors
charmatch Partial String Matching
charToRaw Convert to or from Raw Vectors
chartr Character Translation and Casefolding
check_tzones Date-Time Classes
chol The Choleski Decomposition
chol2inv Inverse from Choleski Decomposition
choose Special Functions of Mathematics
class Object Classes
close Functions to Manipulate Connections
closeAllConnections Display Connections
col Column Indexes
colMeans Form Row and Column Sums and Means
colnames Row and Column Names
colSums Form Row and Column Sums and Means
commandArgs Extract Command Line Arguments
comment Query or Set a `Comment' Attribute
Compare Group Generic Functions
Comparison Relational Operators
Complex Group Generic Functions
complex Complex Vectors
computeRestarts Condition Handling and Recovery
condition Condition Handling and Recovery
conditionCall Condition Handling and Recovery
conditionMessage Condition Handling and Recovery
conditions Condition Handling and Recovery
conflicts Search for Masked Objects on the Search Path
Conj Complex Vectors
connection Functions to Manipulate Connections
connections Functions to Manipulate Connections
contributors R Project Contributors
Control Control Flow
copyright Copyrights of Files Used to Build R
copyrights Copyrights of Files Used to Build R
cos Trigonometric Functions
cosh Hyperbolic Functions
count.fields Count the Number of Fields per Line
crossprod Matrix Crossproduct
cummax Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cummin Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cumprod Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cumsum Cumulative Sums, Products, and Extremes
cut Convert Numeric to Factor
cut.Date Convert a Date or Date-Time Object to a Factor
cut.default Convert Numeric to Factor
cut.POSIXt Convert a Date or Date-Time Object to a Factor

-- D --

data.class Object Classes
data.frame Data Frames
data.matrix Data Frame to Numeric Matrix
Date Date Class
date System Date and Time
Dates Date Class
DateTimeClasses Date-Time Classes
debug Debug a function
Defunct Marking Objects as Defunct
delayedAssign Delay Evaluation
deparse Expression Deparsing
Deprecated Marking Objects as Deprecated
det Calculate the Determinant of a Matrix
detach Detach Objects from the Search Path
determinant Calculate the Determinant of a Matrix
dget Write an Internal Object to a File
diag Matrix Diagonals
diff Lagged Differences
difftime Time Intervals
digamma Special Functions of Mathematics
dim Dimensions of an Object
dimnames Dimnames of an Object
dir List the Files in a Directory/Folder
dir.create File and Directory Manipulation
dirname Manipulate File Paths Execute a Function Call
double Double Precision Vectors
dput Write an Internal Object to a File
dQuote Quote Text
drop Drop Redundant Extent Information
dump Text Representations of R Objects
duplicated Determine Duplicate Elements
duplicated.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
dyn.load Foreign Function Interface
dyn.unload Foreign Function Interface

-- E --

eapply Apply a Function over values in an environment
eigen Spectral Decomposition of a Matrix
else Control Flow
encodeString Encode Character Vector as for Printing
environment Environment Access
eval Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
evalq Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
exists Is an Object Defined?
exp Logarithms and Exponentials
expand.grid Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors
expm1 Logarithms and Exponentials
expression Unevaluated Expressions
Extract Extract or Replace Parts of an Object

-- F --

F Logical Vectors
factor Factors
factorial Special Functions of Mathematics
FALSE Logical Vectors
fifo Functions to Manipulate Connections
file Functions to Manipulate Connections
file.access Ascertain File Accessibility
file.append File and Directory Manipulation
file.choose Choose a File Interactively
file.copy File and Directory Manipulation
file.create File and Directory Manipulation
file.exists File and Directory Manipulation Extract File Information
file.path Construct Path to File
file.remove File and Directory Manipulation
file.rename File and Directory Manipulation Display One or More Files
file.symlink File and Directory Manipulation
files File and Directory Manipulation
findInterval Find Interval Numbers or Indices
findRestart Condition Handling and Recovery
floor Rounding of Numbers
flush Functions to Manipulate Connections
for Control Flow
force Force evaluation of an Argument
Foreign Foreign Function Interface
formals Access to and Manipulation of the Formal Arguments
format Encode in a Common Format
format.char Deprecated Functions in Base package Encode in a Common Format
format.Date Date Conversion Functions to and from Character
format.default Encode in a Common Format
format.factor Encode in a Common Format format(.) Information
format.octmode Display Numbers in Octal
format.POSIXct Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
format.POSIXlt Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
format.pval Format P Values
formatC Formatting Using C-style Formats
formatDL Format Description Lists
forwardsolve Solve an Upper or Lower Triangular System
function Function Definition
fuzzy matching Approximate String Matching (Fuzzy Matching)

-- G --

gamma Special Functions of Mathematics
gammaCody Bessel Functions
gc Garbage Collection
gc.time Report Time Spent in Garbage Collection
gcinfo Garbage Collection
gctorture Torture Garbage Collector
get Return the Value of a Named Object
getAllConnections Display Connections
getCallingDLL Compute DLL for native interface call
getCallingDLLe Compute DLL for native interface call
getCConverterDescriptions Management of .C argument conversion list
getCConverterStatus Management of .C argument conversion list
getConnection Display Connections
getDLLRegisteredRoutines Reflectance Information for C/Fortran routines in a DLL
geterrmessage Stop Function Execution
getHook Functions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
getLoadedDLLs Get DLLs Loaded in Current Session
getNativeSymbolInfo Obtain a description of a native (C/Fortran) symbol
getNumCConverters Management of .C argument conversion list
getOption Options Settings
getRversion Package versions
getTaskCallbackNames Query the names of the current internal top-level task callbacks
gettext Translate Text Messages
gettextf Use C-style String Formatting Commands
getwd Get or Set Working Directory
gl Generate Factor Levels
globalenv Environment Access
gregexpr Pattern Matching and Replacement
grep Pattern Matching and Replacement
group generic Group Generic Functions
gsub Pattern Matching and Replacement
gzcon (De)compress I/O Through Connections
gzfile Functions to Manipulate Connections

-- I --

I Inhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects
iconv Convert Character Vector between Encodings
iconvlist Convert Character Vector between Encodings
identical Test Objects for Exact Equality
if Control Flow
ifelse Conditional Element Selection
Im Complex Vectors
Inf Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
inherits Object Classes
integer Integer Vectors
interaction Compute Factor Interactions
interactive Is R Running Interactively?
InternalMethods Internal Generic Functions
intersect Set Operations
intToBits Convert to or from Raw Vectors
intToUtf8 Convert to or from UTF-8-enconded Character Vectors
inverse.rle Run Length Encoding
invisible Change the Print Mode to Invisible
invokeRestart Condition Handling and Recovery
invokeRestartInteractively Condition Handling and Recovery
is.array Multi-way Arrays
is.atomic Is an Object Atomic or Recursive? Function Calls
is.character Character Vectors
is.complex Complex Vectors Coerce to a Data Frame
is.double Double Precision Vectors
is.element Set Operations
is.environment Environment Access
is.expression Unevaluated Expressions
is.factor Factors
is.finite Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.function Is an Object of Type (Primitive) Function?
is.infinite Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.integer Integer Vectors
is.language Is an Object a Language Object?
is.list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
is.loaded Foreign Function Interface
is.logical Logical Vectors
is.matrix Matrices Not Available / ``Missing'' Values Date-Time Classes Variable Names or Symbols, respectively
is.nan Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
is.null The Null Object
is.numeric Numeric Vectors
is.object Is an Object ``internally classed''?
is.ordered Factors
is.package_version Package versions
is.pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
is.primitive Is an Object of Type (Primitive) Function?
is.qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
is.R Are we using R, rather than S?
is.real Real Vectors
is.recursive Is an Object Atomic or Recursive?
is.single Is an Object of Single Precision Type?
is.symbol Variable Names or Symbols, respectively
is.table Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
is.unsorted Sorting or Ordering Vectors
is.vector Vectors
isIncomplete Functions to Manipulate Connections
ISOdate Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
ISOdatetime Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
isOpen Functions to Manipulate Connections
isRestart Condition Handling and Recovery
isSeekable Functions to Reposition Connections
isTRUE Logical Operators

-- J --

jitter Add `Jitter' (Noise) to Numbers
julian Extract Parts of a POSIXt or Date Object

-- K --

kappa Estimate the Condition Number
kronecker Kronecker products on arrays

-- L --

l10n_info Localization Information
La.chol The Choleski Decomposition
La.chol2inv Inverse from Choleski Decomposition
La.svd Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
labels Find Labels from Object
lapply Apply a Function over a List or Vector
lbeta Special Functions of Mathematics
lchoose Special Functions of Mathematics
length Length of an Object
LETTERS Built-in Constants
letters Built-in Constants
levels Levels Attributes
lfactorial Special Functions of Mathematics
lgamma Special Functions of Mathematics
library Loading and Listing of Packages
library.dynam Loading Shared Libraries
licence The R License Terms
license The R License Terms
list Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
list.files List the Files in a Directory/Folder
load Reload Saved Datasets
loadedNamespaces Loading and Unloading Name Spaces
loadNamespace Loading and Unloading Name Spaces
local Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression
localeconv Find Details of the Numerical and Monetary Representations in the Current Locale
locales Query or Set Aspects of the Locale
log Logarithms and Exponentials
log10 Logarithms and Exponentials
log1p Logarithms and Exponentials
log2 Logarithms and Exponentials
logb Logarithms and Exponentials
Logic Logical Operators
logical Logical Vectors
lower.tri Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix
ls List Objects

-- M --

make.names Make Syntactically Valid Names
make.unique Make Character Strings Unique
manglePackageName Mangle the Package Name
mapply Apply a function to multiple list or vector arguments
margin.table Compute table margin
mat.or.vec Create a Matrix or a Vector
match Value Matching
match.arg Argument Verification Using Partial Matching Argument Matching Function Verification for ``Function Variables''
Math Group Generic Functions
Math.Date Date Class
Math.difftime Time Intervals
Math.factor Group Generic Functions
Math.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
Math.POSIXt Date-Time Classes
Math2 Group Generic Functions
matmult Matrix Multiplication
matrix Matrices
max Maxima and Minima
max.col Find Maximum Position in Matrix
mean Arithmetic Mean
mean.Date Date Class
mean.default Arithmetic Mean
mean.difftime Time Intervals
mean.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
mean.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
mem.limits Memory Available for Data Storage
Memory Memory Available for Data Storage
Memory-limits Memory Limits in R
memory.profile Profile the Usage of Cons Cells
merge Merge Two Data Frames
message Diagnostic Messages
mget Return the Value of a Named Object
min Maxima and Minima
missing Does a Formal Argument have a Value?
Mod Complex Vectors
mode The (Storage) Mode of an Object Built-in Constants Built-in Constants
months Extract Parts of a POSIXt or Date Object

-- N --

NA Not Available / ``Missing'' Values
name Variable Names or Symbols, respectively
names The Names Attribute of an Object
NaN Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers
nargs The Number of Arguments to a Function
nchar Count the Number of Characters (Bytes)
NCOL The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
ncol The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
new.env Environment Access
next Control Flow
NextMethod Class Methods
ngettext Translate Text Messages
nlevels The Number of Levels of a Factor
noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Character Strings
NotYetImplemented Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
NotYetUsed Not Yet Implemented Functions and Unused Arguments
NROW The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
nrow The Number of Rows/Columns of an Array
NULL The Null Object
numeric Numeric Vectors
NumericConstants Numeric Constants

-- O --

objects List Objects
oldClass Object Classes
on.exit Function Exit Code
open Functions to Manipulate Connections
Ops Group Generic Functions
Ops.Date Date Class
Ops.difftime Time Intervals
Ops.factor Group Generic Functions
Ops.ordered Group Generic Functions
Ops.package_version Package versions
Ops.POSIXt Date-Time Classes
options Options Settings
order Ordering Permutation
ordered Factors
outer Outer Product of Arrays

-- P --

packageEvent Functions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
package_version Package versions
packBits Convert to or from Raw Vectors
pairlist Lists - Generic and Dotted Pairs
Paren Parentheses and Braces
parent.env Environment Access
parent.frame Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
parse Parse Expressions
paste Concatenate Strings
path.expand Expand File Paths
pi Built-in Constants
pipe Functions to Manipulate Connections
pmatch Partial String Matching
pmax Maxima and Minima
pmin Maxima and Minima
polyroot Find Zeros of a Real or Complex Polynomial Convert Positions in the Search Path to Environments
POSIXct Date-Time Classes
POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
POSIXt Date-Time Classes
pretty Pretty Breakpoints
prettyNum Formatting Using C-style Formats
print Print Values
print.AsIs Inhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects Apply a Function to a Data Frame split by Factors
print.condition Condition Handling and Recovery
print.connection Functions to Manipulate Connections Printing Data Frames
print.Date Date Class
print.default Default Printing
print.difftime Time Intervals
print.DLLInfo Get DLLs Loaded in Current Session
print.DLLInfoList Get DLLs Loaded in Current Session
print.DLLRegisteredRoutines Reflectance Information for C/Fortran routines in a DLL
print.factor Print Values
print.htest Print Values
print.libraryIQR Loading and Listing of Packages
print.listof Print Values
print.NativeRoutineList Reflectance Information for C/Fortran routines in a DLL
print.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Character Strings
print.octmode Display Numbers in Octal
print.packageInfo Loading and Listing of Packages
print.package_version Package versions
print.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
print.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
print.restart Condition Handling and Recovery
print.rle Run Length Encoding
print.simple.list Print Values
print.summary.table Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
print.table Print Values
prmatrix Print Matrices, Old-style
proc.time Running Time of R
prod Product of Vector Elements
prop.table Express Table Entries as Fraction of Marginal Table
psigamma Special Functions of Mathematics
pushBack Push Text Back on to a Connection
pushBackLength Push Text Back on to a Connection

-- Q --

q Terminate an R Session
qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.Q Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.qty The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.qy The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.R Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
qr.resid The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.solve The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
qr.X Reconstruct the Q, R, or X Matrices from a QR Object
quarters Extract Parts of a POSIXt or Date Object
quit Terminate an R Session
quote Substituting and Quoting Expressions
Quotes Quotes

-- R --

R.home Return the R Home Directory
R.Version Version Information
R.version Version Information
r2dtable Random 2-way Tables with Given Marginals
Random.user User-supplied Random Number Generation
range Range of Values
rank Sample Ranks
raw Raw Vectors
rawShift Convert to or from Raw Vectors
rawToBits Convert to or from Raw Vectors
rawToChar Convert to or from Raw Vectors
rbind Combine R Objects by Rows or Columns
Rd2dvi Utilities for Processing Rd Files
Rd2txt Utilities for Processing Rd Files
Rdconv Utilities for Processing Rd Files
Re Complex Vectors
read.csv Data Input
read.csv2 Data Input
read.dcf Read and Write Data in DCF Format
read.delim Data Input
read.delim2 Data Input
read.table Data Input
readBin Transfer Binary Data To and From Connections
readChar Transfer Character Strings To and From Connections
readline Read a Line from the Terminal
readLines Read Text Lines from a Connection
real Real Vectors
Recall Recursive Calling
reg.finalizer Finalization of objects
regex Regular Expressions as used in R
regexp Regular Expressions as used in R
regexpr Pattern Matching and Replacement
regular expression Regular Expressions as used in R
remove Remove Objects from a Specified Environment
removeCConverter Management of .C argument conversion list
removeTaskCallback Add or remove a top-level task callback
Renviron Initialization at Start of an R Session
rep Replicate Elements of Vectors and Lists
repeat Control Flow
replace Replace Values in a Vector
replicate Apply a Function over a List or Vector
require Loading and Listing of Packages
restartDescription Condition Handling and Recovery
restartFormals Condition Handling and Recovery
return Function Definition
rev Reverse Elements
rle Run Length Encoding
rm Remove Objects from a Specified Environment
RNG Random Number Generation
RNGkind Random Number Generation
RNGversion Random Number Generation
round Rounding of Numbers
round.Date Round / Truncate Data-Time Objects
round.difftime Time Intervals
round.POSIXt Round / Truncate Data-Time Objects
row Row Indexes
row.names Get and Set Row Names for Data Frames
rowMeans Form Row and Column Sums and Means
rownames Row and Column Names
rowsum Give row sums of a matrix or data frame, based on a grouping variable
rowSums Form Row and Column Sums and Means
Rprofile Initialization at Start of an R Session
R_LIBS Loading and Listing of Packages

-- S --

S3Methods Class Methods
sample Random Samples and Permutations
sapply Apply a Function over a List or Vector
save Save R Objects
scale Scaling and Centering of Matrix-like Objects
scan Read Data Values
Sd2Rd Utilities for Processing Rd Files
search Give Search Path for R Objects
searchpaths Give Search Path for R Objects
seek Functions to Reposition Connections
seq Sequence Generation
seq.Date Generate Regular Sequences of Dates
seq.default Sequence Generation
seq.POSIXt Generate Regular Sequences of Dates
sequence Create A Vector of Sequences
set.seed Random Number Generation
setCConverterStatus Management of .C argument conversion list
setdiff Set Operations
setequal Set Operations
setHook Functions to Get and Set Hooks for Load, Attach, Detach and Unload
setwd Get or Set Working Directory
showConnections Display Connections
shQuote Quote Strings for Use in OS Shells
sign Sign Function
signalCondition Condition Handling and Recovery
Signals Interrupting Execution of R
signif Rounding of Numbers
simpleCondition Condition Handling and Recovery
simpleError Condition Handling and Recovery
simpleMessage Condition Handling and Recovery
simpleWarning Condition Handling and Recovery
sin Trigonometric Functions
single Double Precision Vectors
sinh Hyperbolic Functions
sink Send R Output to a File
slice.index Slice Indexes in an Array
socketConnection Functions to Manipulate Connections
socketSelect Wait on Socket Connections
solve Solve a System of Equations
solve.qr The QR Decomposition of a Matrix
sort Sorting or Ordering Vectors
sort.list Ordering Permutation
source Read R Code from a File or a Connection
Special Special Functions of Mathematics
split Divide into Groups
sprintf Use C-style String Formatting Commands
sqrt Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions
sQuote Quote Text
stack Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List
Startup Initialization at Start of an R Session
stderr Display Connections
stdin Display Connections
stdout Display Connections
stop Stop Function Execution
stopifnot Ensure the `Truth' of R Expressions
storage.mode The (Storage) Mode of an Object
str.POSIXt Date-Time Classes
strftime Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
strptime Date-time Conversion Functions to and from Character
strsplit Split the Elements of a Character Vector
strtrim Trim Character Strings to Specified Widths
structure Attribute Specification
strwrap Wrap Character Strings to Format Paragraphs
sub Pattern Matching and Replacement
Subscript Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
subset Subsetting Vectors, Matrices and Data Frames
substitute Substituting and Quoting Expressions
substr Substrings of a Character Vector
substring Substrings of a Character Vector
sum Sum of Vector Elements
Summary Group Generic Functions
summary Object Summaries
summary.connection Functions to Manipulate Connections Group Generic Functions Object Summaries
Summary.Date Date Class
summary.Date Date Class
summary.default Object Summaries
Summary.difftime Time Intervals
Summary.factor Group Generic Functions
summary.factor Object Summaries
summary.matrix Object Summaries
Summary.package_version Package versions
Summary.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
summary.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
Summary.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
summary.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
summary.table Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
suppressMessages Diagnostic Messages
suppressWarnings Warning Messages
svd Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
sweep Sweep out Array Summaries
switch Select One of a List of Alternatives
symbol.C Foreign Function Interface
symbol.For Foreign Function Interface
Syntax Operator Syntax and Precedence Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.calls Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
Sys.Date Get Current Date, Time and Timezone
sys.frame Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.frames Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.function Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
Sys.getenv Get Environment Variables
Sys.getlocale Query or Set Aspects of the Locale
Sys.getpid Get the Process ID of the R Session Extract System and User Information
sys.load.image Save R Objects
Sys.localeconv Find Details of the Numerical and Monetary Representations in the Current Locale
sys.nframe Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.on.exit Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.parent Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
sys.parents Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
Sys.putenv Set Environment Variables Save R Objects
Sys.setlocale Query or Set Aspects of the Locale
Sys.sleep Suspend Execution for a Time Interval
sys.source Parse and Evaluate Expressions from a File
sys.status Functions to Access the Function Call Stack
Sys.time Get Current Date, Time and Timezone
Sys.timezone Get Current Date, Time and Timezone
system Invoke a System Command
system.file Find Names of R System Files
system.time CPU Time Used

-- T --

T Logical Vectors
t Matrix Transpose
table Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
tabulate Tabulation for Vectors
tan Trigonometric Functions
tanh Hyperbolic Functions
tapply Apply a Function Over a ``Ragged'' Array
taskCallbackManager Create an R-level task callback manager
tempdir Create Names for Temporary Files
tempfile Create Names for Temporary Files
textConnection Text Connections
tilde Tilde Operator
tolower Character Translation and Casefolding
topenv Top Level Environment
toString Convert an R Object to a Character String
toupper Character Translation and Casefolding
trace Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Calls to a Function or Method
traceback Print Call Stacks
tracingState Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Calls to a Function or Method
transform Transform an Object, for Example a Data Frame
Trig Trigonometric Functions
trigamma Special Functions of Mathematics
TRUE Logical Vectors
trunc Rounding of Numbers
trunc.Date Round / Truncate Data-Time Objects
trunc.POSIXt Round / Truncate Data-Time Objects
truncate Functions to Reposition Connections
try Try an Expression Allowing Error Recovery
tryCatch Condition Handling and Recovery
type The Type of an Object
type.convert Type Conversion on Character Variables
typeof The Type of an Object

-- U --

unclass Object Classes
undebug Debug a function
union Set Operations
unique Extract Unique Elements
unique.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
unix Invoke a System Command
unix.time CPU Time Used
unlink Delete Files and Directories
unlist Flatten Lists
unloadNamespace Loading and Unloading Name Spaces
unname Remove `names' or `dimnames'
unsplit Divide into Groups
unstack Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List
untrace Interactive Tracing and Debugging of Calls to a Function or Method
unz Functions to Manipulate Connections
upper.tri Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Matrix
url Functions to Manipulate Connections
UseMethod Class Methods
utf8ToInt Convert to or from UTF-8-enconded Character Vectors

-- V --

vector Vectors
version Version Information

-- W --

warning Warning Messages
warnings Print Warning Messages
weekdays Extract Parts of a POSIXt or Date Object
which Which indices are TRUE?
which.max Where is the Min() or Max() ?
which.min Where is the Min() or Max() ?
while Control Flow
with Evaluate an Expression in a Data Environment
withCallingHandlers Condition Handling and Recovery
withRestarts Condition Handling and Recovery
write Write Data to a File
write.csv Data Output
write.csv2 Data Output
write.dcf Read and Write Data in DCF Format
write.table Data Output
write.table0 Deprecated Functions in Base package
writeBin Transfer Binary Data To and From Connections
writeChar Transfer Character Strings To and From Connections
writeLines Write Lines to a Connection

-- X --

xor Logical Operators

-- Z --

zapsmall Rounding of Numbers
zip.file.extract Extract File from a Zip Archive

-- misc --

[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[.AsIs Inhibit Interpretation/Conversion of Objects
[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of a Data Frame
[.Date Date Class
[.difftime Time Intervals
[.factor Extract or Replace Parts of a Factor
[.noquote Class for ``no quote'' Printing of Character Strings
[.octmode Display Numbers in Octal
[.package_version Package versions
[.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
[.POSIXlt Date-Time Classes
[[ Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
[[.data.frame Extract or Replace Parts of a Data Frame
[[.Date Date Class
[[.package_version Package versions
[[.POSIXct Date-Time Classes
^ Arithmetic Operators
` Quotes
{ Parentheses and Braces
| Logical Operators
|| Logical Operators
~ Tilde Operator