eval {base}R Documentation

Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression


Evaluate an R expression in a specified environment.


eval(expr, envir = parent.frame(),
           enclos = if(is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir))
                       parent.frame() else baseenv())
evalq(expr, envir, enclos)
eval.parent(expr, n = 1)
local(expr, envir = new.env())


expr object of mode expression or call or an “unevaluated expression”.
envir the environment in which expr is to be evaluated. May also be, NULL, a list, a data frame, or an integer as in sys.call.
enclos Relevant when envir is a list or a data frame. Specifies the enclosure, i.e., where R looks for objects not found in envir.
n parent generations to go back


eval evaluates the expression expr argument in the environment specified by envir and returns the computed value. If envir is not specified, then the default is parent.frame() (the environment where the call to eval was made).

The evalq form is equivalent to eval(quote(expr), ...).

As eval evaluates its first argument before passing it to the evaluator, it allows you to assign complicated expressions to symbols and then evaluate them. evalq avoids this.

eval.parent(expr, n) is a shorthand for eval(expr, parent.frame(n)).

If envir is a data frame or list, it is copied into a temporary environment, and the copy is used for evaluation. So if expr changes any of the components named in the data frame/list, the changes are lost.

If envir is NULL it is treated as an empty list or data frame: no values will be found in envir, so look-up goes directly to enclos.

A value of NULL for enclos is interpreted as the environment of the base package.

local evaluates an expression in a local environment. It is equivalent to evalq except that its default argument creates a new, empty environment. This is useful to create anonymous recursive functions and as a kind of limited namespace feature since variables defined in the environment are not visible from the outside.


Due to the difference in scoping rules, there are some differences between R and S in this area. In particular, the default enclosure in S is the global environment.

When evaluating expressions in data frames that has been passed as argument to a function, the relevant enclosure is often the caller's environment, i.e., one needs eval(x, data, parent.frame()).


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. (eval only.)

See Also

expression, quote, sys.frame, parent.frame, environment.

Further, force to force evaluation, typically of function arguments.


eval(2 ^ 2 ^ 3)
mEx <- expression(2^2^3); mEx; 1 + eval(mEx)
eval({ xx <- pi; xx^2}) ; xx

a <- 3 ; aa <- 4 ; evalq(evalq(a+b+aa, list(a=1)), list(b=5)) # == 10
a <- 3 ; aa <- 4 ; evalq(evalq(a+b+aa, -1), list(b=5))         # == 12

ev <- function() {
   e1 <- parent.frame()
   ## Evaluate a in e1
   aa <- eval(expression(a),e1)
   ## evaluate the expression bound to a in e1
   a <- expression(x+y)
   list(aa = aa, eval = eval(a, e1))
tst.ev <- function(a = 7) { x <- pi; y <- 1; ev() }
tst.ev()#-> aa : 7,  eval : 4.14

## Uses of local()

# Mutual recursives.
# gg gets value of last assignment, an anonymous version of f.

gg <- local({
    k <- function(y)f(y)
    f <- function(x) if(x) x*k(x-1) else 1
sapply(1:5, gg)

# Nesting locals. a is private storage accessible to k
gg <- local({
    k <- local({
        a <- 1
        function(y){print(a <<- a+1);f(y)}
    f <- function(x) if(x) x*k(x-1) else 1
sapply(1:5, gg)

ls(envir=environment(get("k", envir=environment(gg))))

[Package base version 2.2.1 Index]