Harrell Miscellaneous

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Documentation for package `Hmisc' version 3.0-10

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc

%nin% Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements
.R. Miscellaneous Functions
.SV4. Miscellaneous Functions

-- A --

abs.error.pred Indexes of Absolute Prediction Error for Linear Models
all.digits Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
all.is.numeric Check if All Elements in Character Vector are Numeric
approxExtrap Linear Extrapolation
areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
aregImpute Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching
as.character.mChoice Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
as.data.frame.labelled Label Attribute of an Object
asNumericMatrix Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification

-- B --

ballocation Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Test
bezier Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
binconf Confidence Intervals for Binomial Probabilities
bootkm Bootstrap Kaplan-Meier Estimates
bpower Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Test
bpplot Box-percentile plots
bpplt Box-Percentile Panel Function for Trellis
bsamsize Power and Sample Size for Two-Sample Binomial Test
bystats Statistics by Categories
bystats2 Statistics by Categories

-- C --

Cbind xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
character.table Display Colors, Plotting Symbols, and Symbol Numeric Equivalents
ciapower Power of Interaction Test for Exponential Survival
cleanup.import Update a Data Frame or Cleanup a Data Frame after Importing
cnvrt.coords Convert between the 4 different coordinate sytems on a graphical device
code.levels Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
combine.levels Variable Clustering
confbar Miscellaneous Functions
contents Metadata for a Data Frame
cpower Power of Cox/log-rank Two-Sample Test
Cs Character strings from unquoted names
csv.get Read Comma-Separated Text Data Files
cumcategory Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
cut2 Cut a Numeric Variable into Intervals

-- D --

data.frame.create.modify.check Tips for Creating, Modifying, and Checking Data Frames
data.frame.labelled Label Attribute of an Object
datadensity One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Density
dataRep Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set
deff Design Effect and Intra-cluster Correlation
describe Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula
dotchart2 Enhanced Dot Chart
Dotplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
drawPlot Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
dropUnusedLevels Create Temporary Factor Subsetting Function
dvi Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
dvigv Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
dvips Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities

-- E --

ecdf Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plot
eip Edit In Place
errbar Plot Error Bars
event.chart Flexible Event Chart for Time-to-Event Data
event.convert Flexible Event Chart for Time-to-Event Data
event.history Produces event.history graph for survival data
exportDataStripped Update a Data Frame or Cleanup a Data Frame after Importing

-- F --

find.matches Find Close Matches
first.word First Word in a String or Expression
fit.mult.impute Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
format.df Format a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTML
format.special.miss Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
formula.summary.formula.cross Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
Function Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
Function.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
Function.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates

-- G --

gbayes Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
gbayes1PowerNP Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
gbayes2 Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
gbayesMixPost Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
gbayesMixPowerNP Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
gbayesMixPredNoData Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
getHdata Download and Install Datasets for Hmisc, Design, and Statistical Modeling
Gompertz2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions

-- H --

hdquantile Harrell-Davis Distribution-Free Quantile Estimator
hist.data.frame Histograms for Variables in a Data Frame
histbackback Back to Back Histograms
histSpike One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Density
Hmisc.Overview Overview of Hmisc Library
hoeffd Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics
html Convert an S object to HTML
html.contents.data.frame Metadata for a Data Frame
html.data.frame Convert an S object to HTML
html.default Convert an S object to HTML
html.latex Convert an S object to HTML

-- I --

impute Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation
impute.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
invertTabulated Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
is.imputed Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation
is.special.miss Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame

-- J --

james.stein Miscellaneous Functions
jitter2 One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Density

-- K --

km.quick Miscellaneous Functions

-- L --

labcurve Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
Label Label Attribute of an Object
label Label Attribute of an Object
Label.data.frame Label Attribute of an Object
labelPlotmath Label Attribute of an Object
Lag Lag a Numeric, Character, or Factor Vector
largest.empty Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
latex Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latex.bystats Statistics by Categories
latex.bystats2 Statistics by Categories
latex.default Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latex.describe Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula
latex.function Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latex.list Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latex.summary.formula.cross Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
latex.summary.formula.response Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
latex.summary.formula.reverse Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
latexSN Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latexTranslate Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
latexVerbatim Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
ldBands Group Sequential Boundaries using the Lan-DeMets Approach
list.tree Pretty-print the Structure of a Data Object
llist Label Attribute of an Object
lm.fit.qr.bare Miscellaneous Functions
Load Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote Directories
Lognorm2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions
logrank Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions

-- M --

mApply Apply a Function to Rows of a Matrix or Vector
matchCases Find Close Matches
matrix2dataFrame Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification
matxv Miscellaneous Functions
mChoice Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
Mean Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
Mean.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
mgp.axis Draw Axes With Side-Specific mgp Parameters
minor.tick Minor Tick Marks
monotone Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
mtitle Margin Titles

-- N --

na.delete Row-wise Deletion na.action
na.detail.response Detailed Response Variable Information
na.keep Do-nothing na.action
na.pattern Variable Clustering
na.retain Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
naclus Variable Clustering
naplot Variable Clustering
nomiss Miscellaneous Functions
num.denom.setup Weighted Statistical Estimates
numeric.string Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
numericScale xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands

-- O --

outerText Miscellaneous Functions
Overview Overview of Hmisc Library

-- P --

panel.bpplot Box-Percentile Panel Function for Trellis
panel.Dotplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
panel.ecdf Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plot
panel.plsmo Plot smoothed estimates
panel.xYplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
pc1 First Principal Component
plot.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
plot.aregImpute Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching
plot.drawPlot Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
plot.gbayes Gaussian Bayesian Posterior and Predictive Distributions
plot.ldBands Group Sequential Boundaries using the Lan-DeMets Approach
plot.Quantile2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions
plot.rm.boot Bootstrap Repeated Measurements Model
plot.spearman2.formula Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
plot.summary.formula.response Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
plot.summary.formula.reverse Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
plot.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
plot.varclus Variable Clustering
plotCorrPrecision Plot Precision of Estimate of Pearson Correlation Coefficient
plotmathTranslate Label Attribute of an Object
plotMultSim Variable Clustering
plsmo Plot smoothed estimates
popower Power and Sample Size for Ordinal Response
posamsize Power and Sample Size for Ordinal Response
predict.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
predict.dataRep Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set
predict.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
prepanel.Dotplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
prepanel.ecdf Empirical Cumulative Distribution Plot
prepanel.xYplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
print.abs.error.pred Indexes of Absolute Prediction Error for Linear Models
print.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
print.aregImpute Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrapping, and Predictive Mean Matching
print.bystats Statistics by Categories
print.bystats2 Statistics by Categories
print.char.matrix Function to print a matrix with stacked cells
print.contents.data.frame Metadata for a Data Frame
print.contents.list Metadata for a Data Frame
print.dataRep Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set
print.describe Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula
print.dvi Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
print.find.matches Find Close Matches
print.hoeffd Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics
print.html Convert an S object to HTML
print.impute Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation
print.labelled Label Attribute of an Object
print.latex Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
print.ldBands Group Sequential Boundaries using the Lan-DeMets Approach
print.popower Power and Sample Size for Ordinal Response
print.posamsize Power and Sample Size for Ordinal Response
print.predict.dataRep Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set
print.Quantile2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions
print.rcorr Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
print.spearman2.formula Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
print.special.miss Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
print.summary.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
print.summary.formula.cross Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
print.summary.formula.response Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
print.summary.formula.reverse Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
print.summary.ldBands Group Sequential Boundaries using the Lan-DeMets Approach
print.t.test.cluster t-test for Clustered Data
print.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
print.varclus Variable Clustering
prn Print and Object with its Name
ps.slide Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
pstamp Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plot
putKey Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves
putKeyEmpty Label Curves, Make Keys, and Interactively Draw Points and Curves

-- Q --

Quantile Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
Quantile.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
Quantile2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions

-- R --

rcorr Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
rcorr.cens Rank Correlation for Censored Data
rcorrp.cens Rank Correlation for Paired Predictors with a Censored Response
rcspline.eval Restricted Cubic Spline Design Matrix
rcspline.plot Plot Restricted Cubic Spline Function
rcspline.restate Re-state Restricted Cubic Spline Function
reLabelled Label Attribute of an Object
reorder.factor Reorder Factor Levels
replace.substring.wild Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
reShape Reshape Matrices and Serial Data
rlegend Special Version of legend for R
rlegendg Special Version of legend for R
rm.boot Bootstrap Repeated Measurements Model
rMultinom Generate Multinomial Random Variables with Varying Probabilities
roundN Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set

-- S --

samplesize.bin Sample Size for 2-sample Binomial
sas.codes Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
sas.get Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
sasdsLabels Enhanced Importing of SAS Transport Files using read.xport
sasxport.get Enhanced Importing of SAS Transport Files using read.xport
Save Faciliate Use of save and load to Remote Directories
scat1d One-Dimensional Scatter Diagram, Spike Histogram, or Density
score.binary Score a Series of Binary Variables
sedit Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
sepUnitsTrans Miscellaneous Functions
setpdf Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
setps Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
setTrellis xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
show.col Display Colors, Plotting Symbols, and Symbol Numeric Equivalents
show.dvi Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
show.html Convert an S object to HTML
show.latex Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities
show.pch Display Colors, Plotting Symbols, and Symbol Numeric Equivalents
showPsfrag Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
smean.cl.boot Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector
smean.cl.normal Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector
smean.sd Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector
smean.sdl Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector
smearingEst Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
smedian.hilow Compute Summary Statistics on a Vector
solvet solve Function with tol argument
somers2 Somers' Dxy Rank Correlation
spearman Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
spearman2 Matrix of Correlations and Generalized Spearman Rank Correlation
spower Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions
spss.get Enhanced Importing of SPSS Files
src Source a File from the Current Working Directory
stata.get Enhanced Importing of STATA Files
store Store an Object Permanently
stores Store an Object Permanently
storeTemp Store an Object Permanently
stratify Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
subplot Embed a new plot within an existing plot
subsAttr Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification
substring.location Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
substring2 Character String Editing and Miscellaneous Character Handling Functions
summarize Summarize Scalars or Matrices by Cross-Classification
summary.areg.boot Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
summary.find.matches Find Close Matches
summary.formula Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
summary.impute Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation
summary.ldBands Group Sequential Boundaries using the Lan-DeMets Approach
summary.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
symbol.freq Graphic Representation of a Frequency Table
sys Run Unix or Dos Depending on System

-- T --

t.test.cluster t-test for Clustered Data
tex Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
timePOSIXt Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
topdf Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats
transace Additive Regression and Transformations using ace or avas
transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
translate Translate Vector or Matrix of Text Strings
trap.rule Miscellaneous Functions
trellis.strip.blank Miscellaneous Functions

-- U --

under.unix Miscellaneous Functions
units Units Attribute of a Vector
unPaste Miscellaneous Functions
upData Update a Data Frame or Cleanup a Data Frame after Importing

-- V --

varclus Variable Clustering
Varcov Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
Varcov.fit.mult.impute Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
Varcov.glm Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
Varcov.lm Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates
Varcov.multinom Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates

-- W --

Weibull2 Simulate Power of 2-Sample Test for Survival under Complex Conditions
whichClosePW Miscellaneous Functions
whichClosest Miscellaneous Functions
wtd.ecdf Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.loess.noiter Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.mean Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.quantile Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.rank Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.table Weighted Statistical Estimates
wtd.var Weighted Statistical Estimates

-- X --

xless Miscellaneous Functions
xy.group Mean x vs. function of y in groups of x
xYplot xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands

-- misc --

[.Cbind xyplot and dotplot with Matrix Variables to Plot Error Bars and Bands
[.describe Concise Statistical Description of a Vector, Matrix, Data Frame, or Formula
[.impute Generic Functions and Methods for Imputation
[.labelled Label Attribute of an Object
[.roundN Representativeness of Observations in a Data Set
[.special.miss Convert a SAS Dataset to an S Data Frame
[.summary.formula.response Summarize Data for Making Tables and Plots
[.transcan Transformations/Imputations using Canonical Variates