ps.slide {Hmisc}R Documentation

Postscript and Adobe PDF Setup for 35mm Slides and Other Formats


The ps.slide function has nice defaults to create postscript images with larger font, thicker lines, and better axis labeling. These images can be used to make nice slides. There is an option to view the constructed postscript file using ghostview, and an option to initiate a background process to convert the postscript file to a PC Paintbrush .pcx file for importing into various PC presentation graphics packages although with a significant loss in resolution. This option assumes you have installed various public-domain unix image conversion programs. You can preview .pcx files using e.g. xli file.pcx &. Specify type=1 to make nice fullsize graphs or type=3 for making 5 x 7" landscape graphs using 14-point type (useful for submitting to journals). type=2 (the default) is for color 35mm slides. Use type=4 to make nice black and white overhead projection transparancies (portrait mode). This uses line thickness 4, pointsize 14, height 8, width 7. For type=3, numbers on the y-axis are written horizontally (las defaults to 1 for type=3).

ps.slide calls mgp.axis.labels in Hmisc set up axis-specific defaults for the 2nd mgp graphical parameter. See Overview for Hmisc for help. This is only used automatically for select high-level graphics functions in Hmisc and Design, as S-Plus only supports a single distance between tick marks and tick mark labels using par, and when las=1 a larger distance is needed for the y-axis.

See the body of the function for type-specific default values for many of the parameters. This function has not been tested for color output on Windows systems.

setps is a function that makes small postscript plots with minimal surrounding white space, suitable for inclusion in books and reports. Internally setps uses (and defines) the psfig function by Antonio Possolo ( setps is especially good for including plots in LaTeX. setps creates a temporary function in the session database that when invoked will convert a completed postscript graphics file to a Adobe Acrobat .pdf if you have Ghostscript installed and in your path (so that the gs command is available in UNIX or gswin32c is available for Windows/NT). Invoke topdf by the command topdf(), or, if you want to convert a graphic other than the last one created, run topdf(filename) to convert to filename.pdf. If trellis=TRUE, setps invokes trellis.device with a postscript device argument, and it does not set any of the par parameters. Arguments 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10 to setps are ignored if trellis=TRUE. If options(setpsPrefix="name") is defined, the "name" string will be prefixed to the file name used by setps. setpdf uses a similar option setpdfPrefix. setps and setpdf set par(mgp=c(2,0.4,0)) if trellis=FALSE.

setpdf is similar to setps but for making Adobe Acrobat PDF graphics files directly. There are a few problems with the S-Plus pdf.graph function used by setpdf, though: (1) the default for points (open circle) is too large, (2) graphs are not centered properly, (3) gray scale does not work, and (4) there is some wasted space at the bottom of the graph. When drawing points, the user may want to specify cex=0.7. It may be better to use setps followed by topdf().

tex is a little function to save typing when including \tex commands in graphs that are used with the psfrag package in LaTeX to typeset any LaTeX text inside a postscript graphic. tex surrounds the input character string with \tex[options]{}. This is especially useful for getting Greek letters and math symbols in postscript graphs. By default tex returns a string with psfrag commands specifying that the string be centered, not rotated, and not specially enlarged or shrunk.

showPsfrag is used to display (using ghostview) a postscript image that contained psfrag LaTeX strings, by building a small LaTeX script and running latex and dvips.


ps.slide(file, background = if (type != 2) "white" else "navy blue",
         foreground = if (type == 2) "yellow" else
                     (if(background == "white") "black" else "white"),
         font = "Helvetica", pointsize = c(24, 28, 14, 14)[type],
         hor = type != 4, lwd = c(2, 5, 2, 4)[type],
         mgp = if(under.unix) list(c(1.8, 0.4, 0), c(1.5, 0.2, 0),
                 c(2, 0.4, 0), c(1.5, 0.2, 0))[[type]] else
                 list(c(1.8, 0.5, 0), c(1.5, 0.4, 0), c(2, 0.5, 0),
                 c(1.5, 0.4, 0))[[type]],
         mar = list(c(4, 3, 2, 1) + 0.1, c(5, 4, 2.25, 2) + 0.1,
                 c(3, 3, 1, 1) + 0.1, c(5, 4, 2.25, 2) + 0.1)[[type]],
         pch = 202, view = FALSE, pcx = FALSE, tiff = FALSE,
         close = view | pcx | tiff, bty = "l",
         type = 2, height = switch(type, NULL, NULL, 5, 8),
         width = switch(type, NULL, NULL, 7, 7),
         tck = if (type == 3 || !under.unix) -0.013 else par("tck"),
         las = if (type == 3) 1 else 0, eps =  FALSE, ...)

setps(filename, w=0, h=3, pointsize=10, sublines=0, toplines=0,
      type="symbol", lwd=2, font="Helvetica",
      leftlines=0, las=1,
      trellis=!(missing(setTrellis.) & missing(strip.blank) &
                missing( & missing(, 
      strip.blank =TRUE, = 1, = 1,
      seqno=NULL, color=FALSE)

setpdf(filename, w=0, h=4, pointsize=10, sublines=0, toplines=0,
       type="symbol", lwd=1.5, font=if(.R.)"Helvetica" else 1,
       ratio= if(.R.) 4/3 else (1 + sqrt(5))/2,
       leftlines=0, las=1, bty='l', hor=FALSE, 
       trellis=!(missing(setTrellis.) & missing(strip.blank) &
                 missing( & missing(, 
       strip.blank =TRUE, = 1, =1,
       region=c(0, 0, h, w), color=FALSE, seqno=NULL, ...)

tex(string, lref='c', psref='c', scale=1, srt=0)



filename name or character string or character vector specifying file prefix. For setps or setpdf specify type="char" if this is a character vector or a quote-delimited character string.
string a character string to be processed by psfrag in LaTeX.
background default is yellow on navy blue background (black on white for type=1,3. background may also be set to any legitimate background color listed in the S-supplied object ps.colors.rgb.
foreground foreground color. See background for allowable values.
font font for text. Replaces the first font in the standard list of fonts in ps.options("fonts"). If font="Times-Roman", the fifth font (normally Helvetica-Bold) is set to Times-Bold. For setpdf, font is a number, and the default is 1 for Helvetica. All default fonts are Helvetica for setps, psfig, and ps.slide.
pointsize postscript point size. Set to a larger number if using multiple plots via par(mfrow=).
hor default is TRUE to make a horizontal graph
lwd line width
mgp see par. Defaults are chosen according to type.
mar margins (see par)
pch see par
view set to TRUE to initiate a ghostview run to view the postscript file. This option will also close out the postscript file (this is done before viewing). If you have an active ghostview window for this file already, you can just type or to re-create the .ps file. ghostview will then update the image automatically.
pcx set to TRUE to initiate conversion to pcx format. Also implies close=TRUE.
tiff set to TRUE to initiate conversion to tiff format. Also implies close=TRUE.
close set to TRUE to finish construction of the postscript file.
bty box type surrounding graph. Default is "l" for "L" shape. Use "c" for complete box.
type For ps.slide, type is an integer. In this case, set type=1 to use black on white background, smaller pointsize, and other settings that are good for making overhead transparencies and graphs to include in reports. Set type=3 for 5" x 7" landscape plots, and type=4 for overheads. For setps and setpdf, type="char" specifies that the filename argument is a character string or vector, and any other value indicates that it is an unquoted name.
height defaults to 5 if type=3, otherwise no default (except for type=4)
width defaults to 7 if type=3, otherwise no default (except for type=4)
tck length of tick marks. See par.
las set to 0 to have axis labels always parallel to the axis, 1 for always horizontal, 2 for perpendicular to axis
eps set to TRUE if you are going to be importing the postscript file to a system that really cares that it is marked to officially be encapsulated postscript. If you set eps=TRUE, you may put only one figure in the file (see the onefile argument in postscript). This applies to UNIX systems only.
... other arguments to ps.options (or postscript for Windows or pdf.graph for setpdf)
w width of plot. Default is chosen to scale nicely to h for a landscape plot
h height of plot (default is 3in)
sublines number of lines to reserve for subtitles
toplines number of lines to reserve for main title
leftlines number of lines to reserve for left margin
trellis set to TRUE to set up for postscript output for Trellis graphics. This makes trellis.device("postscript", ...) be called instead of postscript(...) directly, and leaves par parameters at defaults.
setTrellis. set to FALSE to prevent setTrellis from being called to set the strip panel background and to set characteristics for dot plot reference lines
strip.blank set to FALSE to keep shading in conditioning variable panel titles, if setTrellis.=TRUE if setTrellis.=TRUE, the line type for dot plot reference lines (default = solid line) if setTrellis.=TRUE, the line width for dot plot reference lines (default = 1)
seqno if non-null, pastes the value of seqno at the end of the base of the file name, for setps and setpdf
color set color=TRUE to use a color Trellis device instead of default of black and white, for setps. For setpdf set to TRUE to get color pdf graphics.
region see pdf.graph. Default is to use an image region that is just large enough to contain the graphic.
ratio ratio of width to height of the plot when only one of those is specified. Defaults depend on whether S-Plus or R are being used.
lref LaTeX reference point for string. See the psfrag documentation referenced below. Default is "c" for centered (this is also the default for psref).
psref PostScript reference point.
scale scall factor, default is 1
srt rotation for string in degrees (default is zero)


nothing, for most of the functions. tex returns a modified character string.

Side Effects

Starts a postscript file or a process to convert it to pcx format, or starts a Trellis postscript device. ps.slide Stores a system option ps.slide.file. pdf.graph opens a graphics file using pdf.graph. setps creates a function topdf in frame 0 (the session database).


Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University


Grant MC, Carlisle (1998): The PSfrag System, Version 3. Full documentation is obtained by searching for

See Also

postscript, par, ps.options, mgp.axis.labels, pdf, trellis.device, setTrellis


## Not run: 
ps.slide("myslide")   # myslide is file name prefix
# use ps.slide("myslide",back="green") to use e.g. green background
plot(x, y)
title("My Title")

ps.slide(view=TRUE)   # makes file
                   # use ps.slide(close=TRUE) to close file without viewing with
                   # ghostview.
ps.slide(view=TRUE, pcx=TRUE)
                   # converts into myslide.pcx (PC Paintbrush
                   # format suitable for importing in PC graphics packages)
mgp.axis.labels(c(.4,1.2))  # override 2nd mgp parameters for x- and y axes
mgp.axis.labels(type='x')   # retrieve 3 mgp parameters for x-axis

setps(myfile)      # equiv. to setps('myfile', type='char')
                   # setps(myfile, trellis=TRUE, other args) for Trellis
# plotting commands
topdf()            # topdf created by setps
                   # makes Ghostscript create "myfile.pdf"
# plotting commands

# Put math and Greek symbols in a graph
x <- seq(0,15,length=100)
plot(x, dchisq(x, 5), xlab=tex('$x$'),
        ylab=tex('$f(x)$'), type='l')
title(tex('Density Function of the $\chi_{5}^{2}$ Distribution'))
# To process this file in LaTeX do something like
#\caption{This is an example}
## End(Not run)

[Package Hmisc version 3.0-10 Index]