austpop {DAAG} | R Documentation |
Population figures for Australian states and territories for 1917, 1927, ..., 1997.
This data frame contains the following columns:
Australian Bureau of Statistics
print("Looping - Example 1.7") growth.rates <- numeric(8) for (j in seq(2,9)) { growth.rates[j-1] <- (austpop[9, j]-austpop[1, j])/austpop[1, j] } growth.rates <- data.frame(growth.rates) row.names(growth.rates) <- names(austpop[c(-1,-10)]) # Note the use of row.names() to name the rows of the data frame growth.rates pause() print("Avoiding Loops - Example 1.7b") sapply(austpop[,-c(1,10)], function(x){(x[9]-x[1])/x[1]}) pause() print("Plot - Example 1.8a") attach(austpop) plot(year, ACT, type="l") # Join the points ("l" = "line") detach(austpop) pause() print("Exerice 1.12.9") attach(austpop) oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,4)) for (i in 2:9){ plot(austpop[,1], log(austpop[, i]), xlab="Year", ylab=names(austpop)[i], pch=16, ylim=c(0,10))} par(oldpar) detach(austpop)