scatterplot3d {scatterplot3d} | R Documentation |
Plots a three dimensional (3D) point cloud.
scatterplot3d(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, color=par("col"), pch=NULL, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, zlim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL, scale.y=1, angle=40, axis=TRUE, tick.marks=TRUE, label.tick.marks=TRUE, x.ticklabs=NULL, y.ticklabs=NULL, z.ticklabs=NULL, y.margin.add=0, grid=TRUE, box=TRUE, lab=par("lab"), lab.z=mean(lab[1:2]), type="p", highlight.3d=FALSE, mar=c(5,3,4,3)+0.1, col.axis=par("col.axis"), col.grid="grey", col.lab=par("col.lab"), cex.symbols=par("cex"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.lab=0.8 * par("cex.lab"), font.axis=par("font.axis"), font.lab=par("font.lab"), lty.axis=par("lty"), lty.grid=par("lty"), lty.hide=NULL, log="", ...)
x |
the coordinates of points in the plot. |
y |
the y coordinates of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure. |
z |
the z coordinates of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure. |
color |
colors of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure.
Will be ignored if highlight.3d = TRUE . |
pch |
plotting "character", i.e. symbol to use. |
main |
an overall title for the plot. |
sub |
sub-title. |
xlim, ylim, zlim |
the x, y and z limits (min, max) of the plot. Note that setting enlarged limits may not work as exactly as expected (a known but unfixed bug). |
xlab, ylab, zlab |
titles for the x, y and z axis. |
scale.y |
scale of y axis related to x- and z axis. |
angle |
angle between x and y axis (Attention: result depends on
scaling. For 180 < angle < 360 the returned functions
xyz.convert and points3d will not work properly.). |
axis |
a logical value indicating whether axes should be drawn on the plot. |
tick.marks |
a logical value indicating whether tick marks should
be drawn on the plot (only if axis = TRUE ). |
label.tick.marks |
a logical value indicating whether tick marks should be labeled on the plot
(only if axis = TRUE and tick.marks = TRUE ). |
x.ticklabs, y.ticklabs, z.ticklabs |
vector of tick mark labels. |
y.margin.add |
add additional space between tick mark labels and axis label of the y axis |
grid |
a logical value indicating whether a grid should be drawn on the plot. |
box |
a logical value indicating whether a box should be drawn around the plot. |
lab |
a numerical vector of the form c(x, y, len). The values of x and y give the (approximate) number of tickmarks on the x and y axes. |
lab.z |
the same as lab , but for z axis. |
type |
character indicating the type of plot: "p" for points, "l" for lines, "h" for vertical lines to x-y-plane, etc. |
highlight.3d |
points will be drawn in different colors related to y coordinates
(only if type = "p" or type = "h" , else color will be used).On some devices not all colors can be displayed. In this case try the postscript device or use highlight.3d = FALSE . |
mar |
A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. |
col.axis, col.grid, col.lab |
the color to be used for axis / grid / axis labels. |
cex.symbols, cex.axis, cex.lab |
the magnification to be used for point symbols, axis annotation, labels relative to the current. |
font.axis, font.lab |
the font to be used for axis annotation / labels. |
lty.axis, lty.grid |
the line type to be used for axis / grid. |
lty.hide |
line style used to plot ‘non-visible’ edges (defaults of the lty.axis style) |
log |
Not yet implemented! A character string which contains "x" (if the x axis is to be logarithmic), "y", "z", "xy", "xz", "yz", "xyz". |
... |
more graphical parameters can be given as arguments,
pch = 16 or pch = 20 may be nice. |
xyz.convert |
function which converts coordinates from 3D (x, y, z)
to 2D-projection (x, y) of scatterplot3d .
Useful to plot objects into existing plot. |
points3d |
function which draws points or lines into the existing plot. |
plane3d |
function which draws a plane into the existing plot:
plane3d(Intercept, x.coef = NULL, y.coef = NULL, lty =
"dashed", = NULL, ...) .
Instead of Intercept a vector containing 3
elements or an (g)lm object can be specified.
The argument allows to set a different line style for the
intersecting lines in the box's walls. |
box3d |
function which "refreshes" the box surrounding the plot. |
Some graphical parameters should only be set as arguments in
but not in a previous par()
call. One of these is
, which is also non-standard in another way: Users who
want to extend an existing scatterplot3d
graphic with another function than
, plane3d
or box3d
, should consider to
set par(mar = c(b, l, t, r))
to the value of mar
used in
, which defaults to c(5, 3, 4, 3) + 0.1
Other par
arguments may be split into several arguments in
, e.g., for specifying the line type. And finally
some of par
arguments do not apply here, e.g., many of those
for axis calculation. So we recommend to try the specification of
graphical parameters at first as arguments in scatterplot3d
only if needed as arguments in previous par()
Uwe Ligges;
Ligges, U., and Maechler, M. (2003): Scatterplot3d – an R Package for Visualizing Multivariate Data. Journal of Statistical Software 8(11), 1–20.
## On some devices not all colors can be displayed. ## Try the postscript device or use highlight.3d = FALSE. ## example 1 z <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01) x <- cos(z) y <- sin(z) scatterplot3d(x, y, z, highlight.3d=TRUE, col.axis="blue", col.grid="lightblue", main="scatterplot3d - 1", pch=20) ## example 2 temp <- seq(-pi, 0, length = 50) x <- c(rep(1, 50) %*% t(cos(temp))) y <- c(cos(temp) %*% t(sin(temp))) z <- c(sin(temp) %*% t(sin(temp))) scatterplot3d(x, y, z, highlight.3d=TRUE, col.axis="blue", col.grid="lightblue", main="scatterplot3d - 2", pch=20) ## example 3 temp <- seq(-pi, 0, length = 50) x <- c(rep(1, 50) %*% t(cos(temp))) y <- c(cos(temp) %*% t(sin(temp))) z <- 10 * c(sin(temp) %*% t(sin(temp))) color <- rep("green", length(x)) temp <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01) x <- c(x, cos(temp)) y <- c(y, sin(temp)) z <- c(z, temp) color <- c(color, rep("red", length(temp))) scatterplot3d(x, y, z, color, pch=20, zlim=c(-2, 10), main="scatterplot3d - 3") ## example 4 my.mat <- matrix(runif(25), nrow=5) dimnames(my.mat) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], letters[11:15]) my.mat # the matrix we want to plot ... s3d.dat <- data.frame(cols=as.vector(col(my.mat)), rows=as.vector(row(my.mat)), value=as.vector(my.mat)) scatterplot3d(s3d.dat, type="h", lwd=5, pch=" ", x.ticklabs=colnames(my.mat), y.ticklabs=rownames(my.mat), color=grey(25:1/40), main="scatterplot3d - 4") ## example 5 data(trees) s3d <- scatterplot3d(trees, type="h", highlight.3d=TRUE, angle=55, scale.y=0.7, pch=16, main="scatterplot3d - 5") # Now adding some points to the "scatterplot3d" s3d$points3d(seq(10,20,2), seq(85,60,-5), seq(60,10,-10), col="blue", type="h", pch=16) # Now adding a regression plane to the "scatterplot3d" attach(trees) my.lm <- lm(Volume ~ Girth + Height) s3d$plane3d(my.lm, = "solid") ## example 6; by Martin Maechler cubedraw <- function(res3d, min = 0, max = 255, cex = 2, text. = FALSE) { ## Purpose: Draw nice cube with corners cube01 <- rbind(c(0,0,1), 0, c(1,0,0), c(1,1,0), 1, c(0,1,1), # < 6 outer c(1,0,1), c(0,1,0)) # <- "inner": fore- & back-ground cub <- min + (max-min)* cube01 ## visibile corners + lines: res3d$points3d(cub[c(1:6,1,7,3,7,5) ,], cex = cex, type = 'b', lty = 1) ## hidden corner + lines res3d$points3d(cub[c(2,8,4,8,6), ], cex = cex, type = 'b', lty = 3) if(text.)## debug text(res3d$xyz.convert(cub), labels=1:nrow(cub), col='tomato', cex=2) } ## 6 a) The named colors in R, i.e. colors() cc <- colors() crgb <- t(col2rgb(cc)) par(xpd = TRUE) rr <- scatterplot3d(crgb, color = cc, box = FALSE, angle = 24, xlim = c(-50, 300), ylim = c(-50, 300), zlim = c(-50, 300)) cubedraw(rr) ## 6 b) The rainbow colors from rainbow(201) rbc <- rainbow(201) Rrb <- t(col2rgb(rbc)) rR <- scatterplot3d(Rrb, color = rbc, box = FALSE, angle = 24, xlim = c(-50, 300), ylim = c(-50, 300), zlim = c(-50, 300)) cubedraw(rR) rR$points3d(Rrb, col = rbc, pch = 16)