3D visualization device system (OpenGL)

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Documentation for package `rgl' version 0.65

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-- A --

asEuclidean Work with homogeneous coordinates
asHomogeneous Work with homogeneous coordinates

-- B --

bbox3d setup Bounding Box decoration
bg3d setup Background

-- C --

clear3d scene management
cube3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects

-- D --

deform.qmesh3d generic subdivision surface method
divide.qmesh3d generic subdivision surface method
dot3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects

-- I --

identityMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates

-- L --

light3d add light source
lines3d add primitive set shape

-- M --

material3d generic Appearance setup
matrices Work with homogeneous coordinates

-- N --

normalize.qmesh3d generic subdivision surface method

-- O --

oh3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects
open3d Set or Query RGL Parameters

-- P --

par3d Set or Query RGL Parameters
particles3d add sprite set shape
points3d add primitive set shape
pop3d scene management

-- Q --

qmesh3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects
quads3d add primitive set shape

-- R --

r3d Generic 3D interface
r3dDefaults Set or Query RGL Parameters
rgl 3D visualization device system
rgl.bbox setup Bounding Box decoration
rgl.bg setup Background
rgl.bringtotop Assign focus to an RGL window
rgl.clear scene management
rgl.close 3D visualization device system
rgl.cur 3D visualization device system
rgl.light add light source
rgl.lines add primitive set shape
rgl.linestrips add primitive set shape
rgl.material generic Appearance setup
rgl.open 3D visualization device system
rgl.points add primitive set shape
rgl.pop scene management
rgl.postscript export screenshot
rgl.primitive add primitive set shape
rgl.projection Convert between rgl user and window coordinates
rgl.quads add primitive set shape
rgl.quit 3D visualization device system
rgl.select3d Select a rectangle in an RGL scene
rgl.set 3D visualization device system
rgl.snapshot export screenshot
rgl.spheres add sphere set shape
rgl.sprites add sprite set shape
rgl.surface add height-field surface shape
rgl.texts add text
rgl.triangles add primitive set shape
rgl.user2window Convert between rgl user and window coordinates
rgl.viewpoint setup viewpoint
rgl.window2user Convert between rgl user and window coordinates
rotate3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
rotationMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates

-- S --

scale3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
scaleMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates
segments3d add primitive set shape
select3d Select a rectangle in an RGL scene
shade3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects
spheres3d add sphere set shape
sprites3d add sprite set shape
subdivision3d generic subdivision surface method
surface3d add height-field surface shape

-- T --

terrain3d add height-field surface shape
text3d add text
texts3d add text
transform3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
translate3d Work with homogeneous coordinates
translationMatrix Work with homogeneous coordinates
triangles3d add primitive set shape

-- V --

view3d setup viewpoint

-- W --

wire3d 3D Quadrangle Mesh objects