PlotFunctions {fBasics}R Documentation

Basic Plot Functions and Utilities


A collection and description of several plot functions and utilities which may be useful for the explorative data analysis of financial and economic market data using S4 time series objects from Rmetrics. Included are also utility functions displaying tables for characters, plot symbols, and colors.

The functions are:

tsPlot Time Series Plot,
histPlot Histogram Plot of (Series) Data,
densityPlot Kernel Density Estimate Plot,
circlesPlot Scatterplot of Circles Indexing a 3rd Variable,
perspPlot Perspective Plot in 2 Dimensions,
perspPlot Contour Plot in 2 Dimensions,
characterTable Table of Numerical Equivalents to Latin Characters,
plotcharacterTable Table of plot characters, plot symbols,
colorTable Table of Color Codes and Plot Colors itself,
greyPal Creates a grey palette like rainbow does for colors,
splusLikePlot Scales plotting and symbols.


tsPlot(x, ...) 
histPlot(x, col = "steelblue4", border = "white", main = x@units, = TRUE, ...)
densityPlot(x, col = "steelblue4", main = x@units, = TRUE, ...)

circlesPlot(x, y, size = 1, ...)
perspPlot(x, y, z, theta = -40, phi = 30, col = "steelblue4", ps = 9, ...)
contourPlot(x, y, z, ...)

characterTable(font = 1, cex = 0.7)
plotcharacterTable(font = par('font'), cex = 0.7)
colorTable(cex = 0.7)
greyPal(n = 64, start = 255-n, end = 255)

Arguments [histPlot][densityPlot] -
a logical flag, if set to TRUE which is the default value than a normal fit will be added to the plot, otherwise not.
col, border two character strings, defining the colors used to fill the bars and to plot the borders of the bars for the histPlot, or color and linetype as used by the function plot.
font, cex an integer value, the number of the font, by default font number 1, the standard font for the characterTable or the current plot character font for the plotcharacterTable. The character size is determined by the numeric value cex, the default size is 0.7.
main character string of main title(s).
n, start, end [greyPal] - cr n gives the number of greys to be constructed, start and end span the range of the color palette. By default 64 grey tones equidistant chosen from the color range (191, 191, 191) to (255, 255, 255).
size a numeric vector like z, the third variable in the function circlesPlot. The argument gives the size of the circles, by default all values are set to 1.
theta, phi, ps plot parameters for the function perspPlot as used by the function persp.
x, y [tsPlot][histPlot][densityPlot] -
an object of class timeSeries.
[circlesPlot][perspPlot] -
numeric vectors. In the case of the thermometerPlot x holds the current values of the n-bars.
z a matrix containing the values to be plotted by the function perspPlot.
... arguments to be passed to the underlying plot function.


Series Plots:

tsPlot plots time series on a common plot. Unlike plot.ts the series can have a different time bases, but they should have the same frequency. tsPlot is a synonyme function call for R's ts.plot from the the ts package.

Histogram and Density Plots:

histPlot and densityPlot show (return) distributions in form of a histogram and density plots. The first is a synonyme function call for R's histogram plot, calling the function hist. The outlook of the plot is more SPlus like. The second creates a density Plot with underlying kernel density estimation. It is a function call to R's density function.

Three Dimensional Plots:

circlesPlot and perspPlot, see also contour, are functions to plot 3 dimensional data sets. The first is simple scatterplot with points replaced with variable circles, whose size indexes a third variable. The second aloows to create a perspective 3 dimensional plot. It is a function call to R's persp plot, but the parameters are setted to produce a more SPlis like outlook of the plot. contour is the call to R's contour plot from the base package.

Plot Utilities:

characterTable, plotcharacterTable and colorTable are three helpful utilities for using characters and colors in plots. The first function displays a table of numerical equivalents to Latin characters, the second displays a table of plot characters, i.e. the symbols used in plots, and the third displays a table with the codes of the default plot colors.


plots a time series. Just a synonyme call to the function ts.plot changing plot type to lines and plot color to steelblue3.

plots a histogram. This is a synonyme function call for R's histogram plot, calling the function hist. Returns an object of class "histogram", see hist.

returns an object of class "density", see density.

a simple pseudo three dimensional scatterplot of circels whose sizes index a thrid variable.

draws perspective or contour plots of surfaces over the x-y plane.

displays a table with the characters of the requested font. The character on line "xy" and column "z" of the table has code "\xyz", e.g cat("\126") prints: V for font number 1. These codes can be used as any other characters.

displays a table with the plot characters numbered from 0 to 255.

displays a table with the plot colors with the associated color number.


Gordon Smyth for the circlesPlot,
Pierre Joyet for the characterTable, and
Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


## SOURCE("fBasics.12B-PlotFunctions")

## Not run: 
## tsPlot -
   xmpBasics("\nStart: European Stock Markets > ")
   # Show multiple plot:
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1), cex = 0.7)
   DowJones.ts = as.timeSeries(DowJones30)[, c("CAT", "GE", "IBM", "JPM", )]
   title(main = "CAT - GE - IBM - JPM")
## histPlot -
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Histogram Plot of Normal Random Numbers > ")
   DowJones.ret = returnSeries(DowJones.ts)
   par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex = 0.7)
   histPlot(x = DowJones.ret)
## densityPlot -
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Density Plot of Normal Random Numbers > ")
   densityPlot(x = DowJones.ret)
## circlesPlot -
   xmpBasics("\nNext: 3D Circles Plot of Normal Random Numbers > ")
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1), cex = 0.7)
   circlesPlot(x = rnorm(50), y = rnorm(50), size = abs(rnorm(50)),
     main = "Circles Plot")

## perspPlot -
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Perspective Plot > ")
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
   x = y = seq(-10, 10, length = 51)
   f = function(x, y) { r = sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
   z = outer(x, y, f)   
   perspPlot(x, y, z)
   title(main = "Perspective Plot", line = -3)
## characterTable - 
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Print the Copyright Sign > ")
   cat("\251 \n")

## characterTable - 
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Display Character Table for Symbol Font > ")
## colorTable - 
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Display Table of Plot Colors > ")
## plotcharacter Table - 
   xmpBasics("\nNext: Display Table of Plot Characters > ")
## End(Not run)

[Package fBasics version 221.10065 Index]