scatterplot.matrix {car}R Documentation

Scatterplot Matrices


Scatterplot matrices with univariate displays down the diagonal; spm is an abbreviation for scatterplot.matrix. This function just sets up a call to pairs.


scatterplot.matrix(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula':
scatterplot.matrix(formula, data=NULL, subset, ...)

## Default S3 method:
scatterplot.matrix(x, labels=colnames(x), 
    diagonal=c("density", "boxplot", "histogram", "qqplot", "none"), 
    adjust=1, nclass, plot.points=TRUE, smooth=TRUE, span=0.5, reg.line=lm, 
    transform=FALSE, ellipse=FALSE, levels=c(.5, .9), robust=FALSE,
    groups=FALSE, by.groups=FALSE, col=palette(), 
    pch=1:n.groups, lwd=1, 
    cex=par("cex"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.labels=NULL, 
    legend.plot=length(levels(groups)) > 1, ...)

spm(x, ...)


x a data matrix, numeric data frame, or formula.
formula a one-side ``model'' formula, of the form ~ x1 + x2 + ... + xk or ~ x1 + x2 + ... + xk | z where z evaluates to a factor or other variable to divide the data into groups.
data for scatterplot.matrix.formula, a data frame within which to evaluate the formula.
subset expression defining a subset of observations.
labels variable labels (for the diagonal of the plot).
diagonal contents of the diagonal panels of the plot.
adjust relative bandwidth for density estimate, passed to density function.
nclass number of bins for histogram, passed to hist function.
plot.points if TRUE the points are plotted in each off-diagonal panel.
smooth if TRUE a lowess smooth is plotted in each off-diagonal panel.
span span for lowess smoother.
reg.line if not FALSE a line is plotted using the function given by this argument; e.g., using rlm in package MASS plots a robust-regression line.
transform if TRUE, multivariate normalizing Box-Cox transformations are computed and plotted; if a vector of powers, one for each variable, these are applied as Box-Cox power transformations prior to plotting.
ellipse if TRUE data-concentration ellipses are plotted in the off-diagonal panels.
levels levels or levels at which concentration ellipses are plotted; the default is c(.5, .9).
robust if TRUE use the cov.trob function in the MASS package to calculate the center and covariance matrix for the data ellipse.
groups a factor or other variable dividing the data into groups; groups are plotted with different colors and plotting characters.
by.groups if TRUE, regression lines are fit by groups.
pch plotting characters for points; default is the plotting characters in order (see par).
col colors for points and lines; the default is the in the current color palette, starting at the second entry (see palette and par).
lwd width for lines.
cex, cex.axis, cex.labels, cex.main set sizes of various graphical elements; (see par).
legend.plot if TRUE then a legend for the groups is plotted in the bottom-right cell.
... arguments to pass down.


NULL. This function is used for its side effect: producing a plot.


John Fox

See Also

pairs, scatterplot, data.ellipse, box.cox.powers, box.cox, cov.trob.


scatterplot.matrix(~income + education + prestige | type, data=Duncan)
scatterplot.matrix(~income + education + prestige, 
    transform=TRUE, data=Duncan)

[Package car version 1.1-0 Index]