Abstracts for Jeffrey Weeks, Clanton Visiting Mathematician, 2003-2004


The 2003-04 Donald H. Clanton Visiting Mathematician was Dr. Jeffrey Weeks, author of the well known book, The Shape of Space. Dr. Weeks was with us on April 1, 2004.

"Workshop on Curved Space"

4:00, p.m., Burgiss Theater, University Center

Is the universe curved? How can one visualize curved space? The audience will first construct physical models introducing the concept of a curved surface. Interactive 3D graphics will then extend the concept to curved 3-dimensional space. The insights gained will make it easy to see how measurements of cosmic microwave radiation are now revealing the curvature of the universe.

This talk is aimed mainly at mathematics and science students and faculty.


"The Shape of Space"
7 :30, p.m., Watkins Room, University Center

When we look out on a clear night, the universe seems infinite. Yet this infinity might be an illusion. During the first half of the presentation, computer games will introduce the concept of a "multiconnected universe." Interactive 3D graphics will then take the viewer on a tour of several possible shapes for space. Finally, we'll see how recent satellite data provide tantalizing clues to the true shape of our universe.

The only prerequisites for this talk are curiosity and imagination. For middle and high school students, people interested in astronomy, and all members of the Furman community.