Mathematics 39 - Complex Variables - Spring 2004
Professor Dan Sloughter

Course Logistics Course Description Links
LocationRiley Hall 102
Time12:00 - 12:50 M-F
PrerequisiteMathematics 13
TextsComplex Variables and Applications by James Brown and Ruel Churchill
Exams26 March
16 April
12 May
Final exam29 May (2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Office hours11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m., M-F
Other times by appointment
Riley Hall 205K

Study of the complex plane and the calculus of functions of a complex variable. Topics to be considered include the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, limits and derivatives of functions of a complex variable, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integrals, Taylor and Laurent series, and residues.

Grades Attendance Policy Disability Policy
Final exam25%
Final grade90 - 100%A
80 -  89%B
70 -  79%C
60 -  69%D
  0 -  59%F

The grading scale may be adjusted as necessary after all grades are in, but not before. Any such adjustment would be to lower the low end of the intervals.

Attendance will not be taken on a regular basis. However, excessive absences may be reported to the Dean, and in extreme cases the Furman University policy on attendance may be invoked (see the Furman University Catalogue, page 46).

If you miss a scheduled exam or assignment, you must either have a valid medical excuse, signed by the appropriate authority, or you must have made arrangements with me prior to the absence.

Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should contact the Disability Services Coordinator, Susan Clark, in a timely manner prior to contacting me during my office hours. Susan Clark's office is in the basement of the infirmary, and her phone number is 294-2322.


Last modified: Tuesday 07 March 14:00 UTC